Frequently ask questions

Will this service determine an exact manufacturing date?

The results our service reports are derived using the product manufacturer’s date coding system. There is no ‘list’ with dates. Each date is calculated in real time from the information entered.

Some date coding systems are more accurate than others. Some manufacturers repeat the same date codes decades apart resulting in multiple possibilities. If possible our service will return an exact date or if not it will return several possible dates. In the latter case our service will often offer additional ‘Tips’ to try to assist in narrowing the possibilities presented.

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What is the “Tip” that is displayed?

When a serial number could represent multiple dates our service will try to help to narrow the possibilities by suggesting Tips. These could be using the model number format which often changes from decade to decade or may provide a link to additional product information or resources.

While usually very accurate, these Tips are not an exact science so must be taken with a grain of salt. If you have any doubts you can post a message in the Appliance411 Q&A Forum or contact the product manufacturer. If a tip is way off, I suggest someone triple check the input details. Even just a single character out of place or missing could easily affect results.

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What if no results are found?

If no results are returned, double and triple check the information entered. Often examples of the expected serial number formats are displayed for you to compare to what you’ve actually entered.

Please don’t guess. If you don’t enter accurate information as found on the appliance’s identification tag you can’t hope to get accurate results.

Check the brand name entered. This service expects the brand name from the front of the appliance not the parent manufacturer’s name. For example enter “Frigidaire” if it is a Frigidaire not “Electrolux” whom manufactures Frigidaire products.

If you’re absolutely certain the information you’ve entered is correct, you can post a message in the Appliance411 Q&A Forum asking for assistance or check with the product manufacturer.

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Will you manually check a date if we email you?

No. However if you’re certain the information entered is correct use the contact form at the bottom of the results page and we’ll try to assist. Otherwise If you need further personal assistance you can post a message in the Appliance411 Q&A Forum or contact the product manufacturer (which is not us).

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Do we have to register to use the service?

Can I delete my account when it is no longer needed?

If you choose a pay membership, yes, you are free to delete your account when no longer needed. If you choose our free trial, you may delete any of your personal information with the exception of your email address. This is necessary to ensure users don’t try to repeatedly take advantage of our free trial offer. If you intend to use the service regularly, please choose a pay membership and support our efforts in maintaining this site.

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Why are you charging for this service?

We operated our previous dating service for over 10 years relying solely upon voluntary user donations to help offset our hosting costs and the time spent programming and continually updating the service. Unfortunately few seemed to appreciate the service enough to voluntary support our efforts. Those that did, I thank you! If you want this service to continue into the future it needs to start being worthwhile for us to maintain and expand its functionality.

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Didn’t you offer a Free Trial?

Yes we did and may again. Unfortunately within the first 2 weeks of starting Much2.com more than 40 accounts were created using fake email addresses, taking advantage of our free trial offer. We will have to look into other alternatives. We did not want to discourage individual consumers’ use of our services and hope to offer it to them cheaply again.

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What are these “warnings”?

If you neglect to follow the rules described in our Terms of Service you may receive a warning. If you receive 5 or more warnings bonus features of the site, like serial number assistance examples, deluxe HVAC brand input form field, OEM product manufacturer detail and product manufacturing location, may be withheld. Please follow all the rules in the TOS.

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What is an indulgence?

If you acquire multiple warnings, access to some features of this site may be limited or your subscription terminated as per the Terms of Service.

You may purchase indulgences to offset any warnings received and restore the site’s full functionality for your use. Use the following link to purchase redemption. [coming soon]

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