About much2.com

much2.com Information at your service

The major home appliance dating service originated on our Appliance411 web site. Its popularity in recent years has required a new hosting solution to keep up with the increasing usage. We started this Much2.com web site as the solution to that increased demand.

Over the years that we have provided this service, we have found that consumers and business professionals were increasingly interested in also dating home HVAC products. While this product line is more complicated to deal with, we think the solution we came up with will be helpful. In many cases, I’m certain the information returned will not be found anywhere else!
HVAC - Search
The exact product details available to be returned by our service will vary depending on the product’s brand, the manufacturer and the date coding system used by them. We strive to cover as many products and return as accurate of product details as possible to our users.

We hope our service provides the information you’re seeking in the least time consuming manner.


We Support the community

Habitat for Humanity EnviroCentre Capstone Community Action Rebuilding Exchange CVOEO Community Action Inc. Rebuilding Exchange massipl Community forklift kvcap
Action Pathways MCOP Community Concepts Energy Cents Coalition

much2.com Information at your service

much2.com Information at your service